The eagerly awaited 3rd episode of the spring anime “The Mystery, the Maiden, and the Spirited Away”, titled “Horns, Bullies, and Hair Ornaments”, is set to air on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. The synopsis and advance scene cut has just been released, sparking excitement among fans.
The eagerly awaited 3rd episode of the spring anime “The Mystery, the Maiden, and the Spirited Away”, titled “Horns, Bullies, and Hair Ornaments”, is set to air on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. The synopsis and advance scene cut has just been released, sparking excitement among fans.
“Ghosts, Maidens, and Spirited Away” is a modern ghost Romanesque based on the manga serialized in Nujimaga Shogakukan’s “Soft Spirits.”
Sumireko Ogawa, an aspiring writer who loves the occult and alcohol, and her colleague Ren Adashino, who is knowledgeable about strange phenomena and has a secret that Sumireko doesn’t know about, are an uneven bookstore duo who are involved in a series of mysterious incidents that occur in the city. Draw a picture of yourself standing up.
Episode 3 “Horns, Bullying, and Hair Accessories”
Synopsis Azeme, who lost her parents early, grew up with her grandmother, who lived in the countryside. Although she was poor, she lived a calm and kind life, but the people around her attacked her, and Hajime was severely bullied.
As we explore Azeme’s past, we witness her strong desire to become a teacher and combat bullying. This significant character development and Adashino’s determination to capture the monster promise an engaging 3rd episode.
The third episode of “The Ghost, the Maiden, and the Spirited Away”, “The Horn, the Bully, and the Hair Ornament,” will be broadcast on TOKYO MX and other channels from April 24.