Anime “Detective Conan” January 8th is “Taiko Master’s Shogi Edition (First Edition).” The viewers were buzzing with the words that came out casually in this story.
Conan was thinking about another news as the detective boys got excited about soccer on his way home from school. An incident in which Nishikido Go player, who had disappeared due to the match-fixing turmoil, was killed and found dead. At the scene, there was a shogi board with one leg cut. From the article of the incident Conan was watching, Hideyoshi Haneda appears to Conan and others discussing the origin of “match-fixing.”
The detective boys who saw Hideyoshi’s beard cleanly and neatly thought that he would have a date with his lover Yumi Miyamoto, but Hideyoshi said, “I will meet an important person.” Deny the date and leave. It was Yumi who appeared there. Yumi was suspiciously following Hideyoshi’s actions. “It’s harder for people with children to notice the trail,” said Conan, who her Yumi took.
This time, the viewers were buzzing with the words “I came to live together” and “cohabitation” that Conan and his friends casually said while listening to Yumi. A serial murder of a female police officer occurred in the “Target is the Police Department Traffic Department” broadcast in March 2020. Hideyoshi sent an e-mail to Shuichi Akai saying, “I want you to protect Yumi who may be in danger,” and although he may have been busy at this time, Yumi is not within reach. I can see that it was.
Looking at the movie version of “Detective Conan Scarlet Bullet,” it seems that there was another stage in the relationship between the two. Still, it is probably the first time that “cohabitation” has been mentioned. Fans who learned that there was progress in the central part of the anime said on Twitter, “I’m living together before I knew it!” “When did I live together !?” I understand that it’s natural … “I’m getting married soon! “
Up until now, Yumi had pushed her a little and had a lot of words and deeds, but this time, Hideyoshi, who is firmly dissatisfied with her suspicion of having an affair, is also depicted. It seems that she is building a good relationship. The viewers seem to be smiling and watching over this, saying, “It looks like they’re on good terms.” What will happen to these two people in the future?