The latest movie version of the anime “Sword Art Online” series, “Sword Art Online the Movie -Progressive- Scherzo of the Dark Dusk,” will be produced. It will be released in 2022, which marks the 10th anniversary of the start of anime broadcasting.
The anime “Sword Art Online” series is based on a novel by Reki Kawahara. After the first work was broadcast in 2012, a wide range of media development such as TV animation four series, games, manga, etc. was carried out, and “Theatrical version Sword Art Online -Ordinal Scale-” released in 2017 is box office revenue Recorded a hit of over 2.5 billion yen.
“Theatrical version Sword Art Online -Progressive- Aria of the Night without Stars” currently being released is a work rebooted by Mr. Kawahara himself. With a completely new animation, the story of “Einclad capture” is drawn from the perspective of the main character Asuna. The number of spectators exceeded 220,000 in the two days after the release. The box office revenue exceeded 349 million yen. It has become a hit.
The announcement of the latest movie version has received joyful voices from fans, such as “I was shocked” and “I have more fun next year.”