The TV anime “The Night Beyond the Window,” based on Tomoko Yamashita’s popular horror mystery manga, will be broadcast sequentially from October 3rd. A live-action movie starring actors Masaki Okada and Jun Shison was also a hot topic.
The original was serialized in “Monthly MAGAZINE BE x BOY” (Libre) from March 2013 to December 2020. Kosuke Triangle, a bookstore clerk, has long been troubled by the constitution of “seeing” eerie things. He was discovered by a ghost detective, Ritsuto Coldkawa, who met that talent and was forced to form a psychic detective duo.
Himekawa is obsessed with the triangle, and the triangle cannot leave the dangerous Hiekawa alone. While these two people solve many cases, the truth of fate emerges. “Inspirational” entertainment with horror, mystery, and buddy love is depicted.
Nobunaga Shimazaki, such as “Free!”, Played Kosuke Triangle, Wataru Hatano, “Idolish7,” played Masato Coldkawa, and voice actors Soma Saito, Chika Anzai, Junichi Suwabe, and Satoshi Mikami. San et al. Will appear. “My roommate is a cat, sometimes on the head.” “Grand Blue” is produced by Zero-G. Broadcast by TOKYO MX, Sun TV, and others.