“Dandadan,” a popular manga by Tatsuyuki Shin, is currently being serialized in “Shonen Jump+” (Shueisha). It is an occult battle and coming-of-age story about Momo (Ayase Momo), a high school girl born into a family of spiritualists, and her classmate Okarun ( Takakura Ken ), an occult maniac, who challenges the approaching supernatural.
The total number of copies published has exceeded 4 million (as of October 2024), and the first TV anime will start in October 2024. The main cast includes a luxurious lineup of voice actors such as Shion Wakayama (as Momo), Natsuki Hanae (as Okarun), and Nana Mizuki (as Hoshiko), and is generating a lot of excitement.
The newly decided free retrospective broadcast of “Dandadan” will air episodes 1 to 5 for free from 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 7, just before episode 6 airs, and will also air episodes 1 to 6 for free from 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Friday, November 8, the day after episode 6 airs. Additionally, all episodes will be free for one week after the broadcast.
“Dandadan” is broadcast free of charge on the “ABEMA Anime Channel” every Thursday from 1:00 am. The latest episode can be viewed free of charge for one week after broadcast.