“The Super Mario Bros. Movie,” which Nintendo’s action game “Super Mario” series was jointly animated by Illumination Studio of “Despicable Me,” ” Minions, ” and Nintendo, broke many records overseas—garnering hits.
The movie opened in North America on April 5, grossed $146.4 million in three days, $204.6 million in five days, and “Ant-Man & the Wasp Quantomania” (100 million in three days ). $6.1 million) and set the record for the No. 1 opening of the year. Also, as a video game original movie, ” Sonic the Movie Sonic vs. Knuckles ” ($ 72.1 million in 3 days of release) has become the first place.
In addition, the cumulative worldwide box office revenue of the five-day release was 377 million dollars, second only to ” Frozen 2 “. It is also the best result for Illumination, which has a series of hits such as the ” Minions ” series.
” The Super Mario Bros. Movie ” received a mediocre overall rating of 56% on the American critic site “Rotten Tomatoes,” which summarizes the evaluations of professional critics. Still, the review of the audience who watched the movie was aggregated. The “Cinema Score” was awarded a high rating of A. He is grabbing the hearts of general movie fans.
” The Super Mario Bros. Movie ” will be released in Japan on April 28.