The third season of the TV anime “Dr. STONE” and “Dr. STONE NEW WORLD” will be broadcast next spring, and the PV has been released.
The “Dr. STONE” series is an animated version of the manga serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump.” Set in a world thousands of years after a mysterious phenomenon petrified human beings, Senku Ishigami (CV: Yusuke Kobayashi), who has a superhuman brain, is a childhood friend of Daiki Oki (Makoto Furukawa) who is proud of his physical strength. At the same time, he depicts the struggle to revive civilization with the power of science. In the second season of the TV anime, the science kingdom led by Senku and the armed empire ruled by the primate’s strongest high school student, the lion prince, fought.
In the PV of the 3rd period, the characters of “TV animation 3rd period” emerged along with the nature of the sea and mountains, and finally, the work logo appeared while soaring above the clouds. The image is finished with a feeling of exhilaration as the kingdom of chemistry advances to the “next adventure = new world.”
In addition, the non-credit opening of the TV special “Dr. STONE Ryusui” broadcast on July 10 has also been released.