From the original CG animation “Girls Band Cry, “which is based, planned, and produced by Toei Animation, the cast of the girl band “Togenashi Togeari” that appears in the play has been announced. Staff information, key visuals, and two music videos have also been released.
Girls Band Cry”, Nina Iserin, who dropped out of high school and moved to Tokyo alone, met Momoka Kawaragi, a girl who sings alone in front of a suburban station.
This is an original CG animation depicting how Subaru Awa, who lives while hiding his true feelings, Satoshi Ebizuka, who his parents abandoned, and Rupa, who is lonely for the rest of his life, from the girl band “Togenashi Togeari.”
This time, the members and cast of “Togenashi Togeari” have decided to be five people selected at the audition “Girl’s Rock Audition” held in June 2021. Rina will play the vocalist, Nina Iseri, Yuri will play the guitarist Momoka Kawaragi, Mirei will play the role of Dr. Subaru Awa, Nagito will play the keyboard Satoshi Ebitsuka, and Shuli will play the bassist Rupa—rice field.
The central staff announced simultaneously includes director Kazuo Sakai, character designer Nari Teshima, CG directors Mari Kondo and Tei Zaikaru, and music composer Kenji Tamai. (agehasprings) and Toei Animation are listed as producers.
In addition, the key visual shows the band activities of the girls who struggle desperately to find their place while being betrayed by their friends and family and the everyday life behind them. In addition, the MVs for “Togenashi Togeari,” “Namonashi Togeari,” and “Niseru no Ri” are also released. In addition, both songs have been distributed on various music distribution services.
“Girls Band Cry” will release new music videos on June 26th and July 24th, debut single on July 26th, and second single on August 30th. For details, please visit the official website. I want to wait for the announcement of the anime broadcast time. [Staff] Original, Planning, Production Toei Animation Director Kazuo Sakai Character Design Teshima nari CG Director Mari Kondo Tei Saika Music Kenji Tamai (agehasprings) Tomo: Nagito Rupa: Shu Li 1st Single “Nameless Everything” [CD Contents]
She recorded songs 01. Everything without name 02. Everything without name 03. Everything without word (Instrumental) 04. Reason of falsehood ( Instrumental)
Drama Part 05. Let’s age up! This is us! 06. Because it’s everyone’s dream 07. Summer! The scariest story ever! [Contents of BD/DVD] 01. “Namonaki everything” long version music video 02. “Law of Lies” music video (C) Toei Animation