On February 27, 2023, David Production (Kodaira City, Tokyo), the production company of the animation ” Urusei Yatsura, “used an existing design for the 17th episode of the same work without permission. I apologized on the official website. He explained the cause was “inadequate production management at our company.”
“Review the production management process and thoroughly strengthen the check system” The TV animation “Urusei Yatsura,” which has been broadcasting since October 2022, commemorates the 100th anniversary of Shogakukan’s founding, As a completely new work of Rumiko Takahashi’s popular manga “Urusei Yatsura,” it is being broadcast on Fuji TV’s late-night anime slot ” Noitamina ” and others.
On February 27, 2011, David Production announced, “In episode 17 of ‘Urusei Yatsura,’ which we are producing animation for, we have found a situation in which an existing design was used without permission for part of the background.” announced on the official website.
The company, which claims that the production management was incomplete, apologized, saying, “We sincerely apologize for causing a great deal of trouble and concern to the design owners, related parties, and viewers.” it will modify the design and replace it sequentially when using it for distribution, broadcasting, packaging, etc. of the same work.
“We will take all possible measures to prevent recurrence by reviewing the production management process and strengthening the check system thoroughly, and we will work on policies so that this work can be enjoyed with peace of mind.”
A similar report was made on the official website of the anime Urusei Yatsura, and an apology comment was posted saying, “We will pay close attention to prevent such a situation from happening in the future.”