Since its 1979 debut, the military science fiction classic Mobile Suit Gundam has had a tremendous influence on the Japanese film industry. Yoshiyuki Tomino, the franchise’s originator, recently gave a lighthearted challenge to prospective animators while reflecting on the franchise’s journey at the Niigata International Animation Film Festival.
On March 16, after the film festival screened “Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack,” Tomino joined the stage to talk about how the anime industry is always evolving and how it’s becoming more and more important to break traditional storytelling conventions.
Tomino emphasized in his remarks the significance of Hayao Miyazaki’s critically praised film “How Do You Live?”, which has won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. “This kind of intricate animation was produced in America and received recognition.” “In that regard, a new standard has been established,” he stated.
Tomino continued, praising the movie for its capacity to resonate with viewers everywhere. He did, however, push the upcoming generation of animators and filmmakers to pursue greatness and go above and beyond the high standards set by Miyazaki, even as he praised the Oscar-winning director.
“It’s important not to treat young creators lightly. You cannot surpass One Piece or Miyazaki unless you put in a genuine effort. Let’s all put in a lot of effort to defeat Miyazaki! I’m at my breaking point. Tomino continued, “Anime and movies itself are evolving because of Miyazaki’s animation.
Renowned figure in the anime business Yoshiyuki Tomino is recognized for having influenced every mecha anime that came after him. Even at eighty-two, he continues to work professionally in the field and has consistently contributed to the most recent Mobile Suit Gundam sequels.