The TV anime “Transformers Earth Spark” based on the transforming robot character “Transformers (TF) “will begin broadcasting on 6 TV Tokyo network stations from 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, October 1, 2023. The terrestrial broadcast of a new TF anime is the first in eight years. TF toys from the same anime will also appear on Saturday, October 28, 2023.
“Transformers” is a Japanese toy content that Takara Tomy (formerly Takara) created. “Robots in disguise” A unique concept in which “robots can freely transform and hide in all kinds of objects around us,” and a super robot life form that can transform at will takes place in space. It is unfolding with an epic story that fights.
After the toys were released in the United States in 1984, the anime and comics became a big hit, and in 1985, toy sales and anime started in Japan. It was the heyday of actual robot anime. While the severe drama and bad ending were welcomed, some viewers felt weary.
Then TF appeared, shocking children with its bright story and speedy development, and became a big hit among children and aired five works for about five years, including a new Japanese version. Some of the older anime fans also became enthusiastic maniacs.
In 1997, “Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers” was broadcast in Japan, and it became an explosive hit due to the novelty of the whole CG images, a lot of improvisational dubbing by talented voice actors, and toys that were both deformable and fully movable. Hollywood by Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay 2007 was made into a live-action movie, also a big hit worldwide.
It is prevalent worldwide, with over 700 million units sold worldwide in over 130 countries and regions (as of July 2022). “Transformers Earth Spark” is TF’s new 3DCG animation that will be broadcast nationwide in the fall of 2022 and has become popular. The movie will finally appear in Japan.
This is the first time a new TF anime series will be broadcast on terrestrial TV in eight years. Will be posted in). In the same work, a new generation TF born on the earth, “Terran,” is newly introduced, a human story depicting the bond between humans and TF, and it is content that can be enjoyed by the family. Popular characters such as Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Megatron also appeared, and the first TV anime, “Fight! Super Robot Life Transformers” (Nippon Broadcasting 1985-86), has a world view with a connection.
The setting is Witwicky, a small town in Pennsylvania. The name “Witwicky” will sound familiar if you’re familiar with TF. In the Japanese dubbed version, Miwa Iwanami, who has worked on the translation and production of numerous works, including the TV anime “Beast Wars Super Lifeform Transformers,” will serve as the sound director, and Tessho Genda, Shigeru Chiba, Ryohei Kimura, etc. will continue to be gorgeous as in the past series.
The voice actors are in charge of dubbing. Shigeru Chiba, who played Megatron in “Beast Wars,” said, “Well, this time, will it be a scary Megatron or a mischievous Megatron? ……Anyway, I’m begging you!!” In addition, the images, such as the opening and preview, will be newly produced as Japanese originals. The first main product in the newly developed “Transformers Earth Spark” toy series is the “Transformers Earth Spark Spin Changer” series, which expresses the bond between humans and Transformers drawn in the new animation with a gimmick.
This is the first time an automatic spin transformation gimmick has been adopted, and by going through the manual transformation step from vehicle mode and then setting the included human figure onto the robot’s shoulder, the upper body dynamically rotates and automatically transforms into robot mode. Two types, Optimus Prime and Robbie and Bumblebee and Mo, have appeared.
In addition, by knocking over the robot mode figure, it will instantly transform into vehicle mode. Even children can easily enjoy transformation play “Transformers Earth Spark.” 5 types of “Spat Change” series and four types of “Transformers Earth Spark DX” series that allow you to enjoy transformation and posing with advanced mobility and are perfect for collections will be released.
The live-action film “Transformers: Awakening of the Beast,” currently in theaters, has also become a hit at the Japanese box office, grossing over 1.2 billion yen. Create a new TF boom!? Please pay attention to the broadcast and development of the new work “Transformers Earth Spark”! (C) TOMY