Part 2 of Season 2 of the anime Kengan Ashura, based on the battle action manga serialized in Ura Sunday and Manga One (Shogakukan), will be distributed on Netflix in August. I understand. Part 2 concludes the fiercely-fought fistfight tournament.
Visuals depicting Ouma’s master, Touki Hebi Nitora, Ouma, and other tournament winners, as well as a teaser PV featuring the strongest fighters fighting to the death, were also released.
“Kengan Ashura” is a manga written by Yabako Sandrovich and illustrated by Darameon. It depicts a proxy war or kenganjiai between companies that decide business through combat between fighters.
Season 1 of the anime was broadcast from January to June 2020 and is currently available on Netflix. Part 1 of Season 2 began distribution on Netflix in September 2023.