It has been announced that the manga ” Mushroom Witch,” currently serialized in “Manga Park,” will be made into a TV anime. At the same time, the sixth volume of the book will be released on December 20, 2024, and an original illustration by the original author, Higuchi Tachibana, has been released to celebrate the TV anime.
“Mushroom Witch” is a fantasy manga by Higuchi Tachibana currently being serialized in “Manga Park.” The main character is Luna, who lives in the Black Forest and is feared by people as a black witch. She worries because “poisonous mushrooms” grow wherever Luna speaks, touches, or walks.
The people in the town call her the “Mushroom Witch.” The story depicts Luna, who has never known human warmth, falling in love for the first time. This time, it has been decided that this work will be made into a TV anime. The release date of the sixth volume of the book was announced on December 20, 2024.
The original author, Tachibana Higuchi, sent a congratulatory illustration with Luna as the main character. The latest volume, 6, depicts the story of Lize, who runs out of magic power while practicing magic. “When you need power, ask for help from that stone—,” she remembers the green gem Luna gave her. Then, along with the “song,” a mysterious memory flows into her, and it is the memory of a green mage named ” Elroy .” He has a significant secret related to Luna and Lize’s past.
The sixth volume of the manga “The Witch of Champignons,” which you can read the rest of the story, is on sale from December 20. The list price is 693 yen (tax included). While looking forward to the news of the TV anime adaptation, let’s read the original manga. “The Witch of Champignon” 6 Author: Higuchi Tachibana ISBN code: 9784592230472 Series name: Hana to Yume Comics Special Price: 693 yen (630 yen + 10% tax) Release date: 2024.12.20