Currently, the manga “Police in a Pod-The Counterattack of Alternate Girls” (serialized in Kodansha “Morning”), which has been made into a TV drama starring Erika Toda and Mei Nagano, will be made into a TV animation in 2022. At the same time, it was announced that Shion Wakayama and Yui Ishikawa would serve as the main cast, and teaser PV, visuals, and festive illustrations by the original author Miko Yasu were released.
Former police officer Yasushi’s manga “Police in a Pod-Police in a Pod-” is set in a town with a police box in a specific city. Through this, police box entertainment depicts the real-life with laughter and tears of a policeman who seems to be familiar and unexpectedly unknown. In the TV drama version currently being broadcast, Nagano plays the role of Hiyokko police officer Mayi Kawai, and Toda plays the role of Seiko Fuji, who has been transferred to the police box as a former ace detective and is attracting a lot of attention. Such work was done into a TV drama in 2022.
The staff is Yuzo SatoWill be the director, Ryunosuke Kingetsu will be in charge of the series composition, Kei Tsuchiya will be in character design, and MADHOUSE will be in order animation production.
The teaser PV, which has been lifted, starts from the scene where newcomer Kawai meets Fuji for the first time. Kawai blushes about wisteria as “a great beauty.” Still, after experiencing the hardships of working in a police box, he regrets saying, “If I knew that I was hated by such hard work, I would never be a police officer!”
The video also shows the unique police officers who appear in this work, and the last is a PV where Kawai’s complaints and wisteria’s exchanges that blame it are unfolded at a good tempo. Expectations are rising for the anime version broadcast.
Wakayama, who plays the role of Kawai, said, “I am thrilled, and at the same time, I feel a lot of pressure. I will do my best to deliver the charm of Kawai, who is dull but strangely sharp. Please come and take a peek at the daily life of the Machiyama police box, “said Ishikawa, who played the role of Fuji.
I will do my best to make it exciting! ” The TV anime “Police in a Pod-Police in a Pod-” will be broadcast in 2022. Shion Wakayama (role of Mayi Kawai) I am Shion Wakayama, who will play the role of Mayi Kawai. I am thrilled to play my favorite character of my famous work, and at the same time, I feel a lot of pressure. We will do our best to deliver the charm of Kawai, which is dull and strangely sharp, so please come and take a look at the daily life of the Machiyama police box.
Yui Ishikawa (role of Seiko Fuji) A work on the theme of police officers who are always working hard for the safety and security of people and the city. I also had the experience of being kind, so if I accept this, I think I can help something .! I challenged the audition with enthusiasm.
The wisteria I play is a very talented person called “Miss Perfect” by the ace of the former Criminal Division. I want to play the daily life of a police officer who leaks his true feelings, sometimes funny and sometimes fantastic. Kawai role I will do my best to liven up with Shion Wakayama!