Moe Iori appears in the robot anime “Kyokai Senki” with “Mecha Moe”

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Cosplayer Moe Iori attends an online event of the robot anime “Kyokai Senki” (Monday, 25:00) broadcast on TV in Tokyo and other locations. After watching the first episode, which was pre-delivered, she said with excitement, “The drawing is wonderful. It is possible to make such a beautiful animation by hand.”

She wears a purple top and a white jacket and appears in a costume inspired by the anime character Zion Shibu. Her skinny black pants accentuated the slender silhouette of her legs. She is tied to the robot and her name, and I thought it was beautiful that the “mecha moe” point of episode 1 was matched to that setting, such as “the background is moving according to the viewpoint of (the main character) Amou.” “

She also touched on the scene where the character she was working on in episode 1 asked for a charge. Iori, a self-proclaimed “charging fetish” who likes to see batteries and smartphones charged, said, “If the staff’s smartphone is 50%, I’ll charge it.” Natsumi Fujiwara, a voice actor who plays the role of a guy, begs, “Can I ask you too?” Laughter arose from the venue.

“Kyokai Senki” is an original robot animation work that SUNRISE BEYOND and BANDAI SPIRITS team up with and is scheduled to start broadcasting from midnight on October 4th.

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