From the TV anime “Teasing Master Takagi-san” based on Soichiro Yamamoto, a part of the live event “Christmas Eve Eve Live-Santa Takagi who is good at warming up” held in 2019 will be released tomorrow at 22:00 on December 22. It will be premiered on YouTube’s TOHO animation channel.
Part of the video will be the singing scene of “I don’t say it.” Duet by Rie Takahashi, who played the role of Mr. Takagi, and Yuiko Ohara, who was in charge of the opening theme. “Christmas Eve Eve Live-Teasing Master Takagi Santa-” has not been visualized so far. This video is a little earlier than “Teasing Master Takagi-san 3,” which will start broadcasting on January 7, 2022. It was prepared as a gift.
In addition, the regular radio program “Teasing Master Takagi-san Midnight Niyakyun Radio,” in which Takahashi serves as a personality, will be broadcast on bayfm from 24:30 on January 6. In addition to anime, Takahashi makes fun of listeners, gets entangled by listeners, and develops a corner that introduces youth’s “grinning” episodes. In addition, various podcast services will deliver after-talk of this broadcast. The program is looking for emails. For details, check the official website of “Mr. Takagi, who is good at teasing, at midnight Niyakyun Radio.”
At the same time, the subtitle and preceding cut of the first episode of “Teasing Master Takagi-san 3” will be released. From “Grip Strength,” “Sunburn,” and “New Semester,” the appearance of Nishikata holding his head and the appearance of Nishikata and Mr. Takagi facing each other on the beach were cut out.
“Mr. Takagi, a good teaser” is a youth comedy about the suffering of a boy, Nishikata, who is at the mercy of Mr. Takagi, a junior high school girl. The first period of TV animation will be broadcast in 2018, the second period in 2019, and the movie is scheduled to be released in 2022.