A special exhibition, “Animation Jujutsu Kaisen” of the popular anime “Jujutsu Kaisen,” is held at the Tokyo Anime Center in Shibuya from July 2. Many product materials such as life-sized figures of Satoru Gojo and original drawings and storyboards are exhibited at the venue.
By the ornaments and dim lighting scene of Sakuchu is the image at the venue, the same work “curse A slightly eerie view of the world around “was expressed. At the beginning of the first episode, ” Double-sided lodging, ” the room where the main character, Yuhito Torakane, talked with Satoru Gojo is wholly reproduced. It’s awe-inspiring as the first sight you see when you enter. Boards, storyboards, and animated images are lined up in the booths set up for each story.
Director Park Sunghu and animation producer Keisuke Seshita The thoughts and episodes at the time of production were spelled out by. In addition, materials that touch on many characters appearing in work, such as a line-shooting cut of the enemy’s ghost, Masato’s realm development “Self-closing circle bluntness,” are also exhibited. Satoru Gojo’s life-sized figure was specially produced for the exhibition. Video production is applied to the background, making the content more powerful.
It was also announced that the screening start date of the anime movie “Jujutsu Kaisen 0” was decided on December 24 at “Jujutsu Kaisen 2021” held on the 13th.
The exhibition will provide a re-experience of the work and increase the momentum for the movie. In the first half, which lasts until August 1, the first course, episodes 1 to 13, “Curse Womb Must Dine” and “Small Fry and Reverse Punishment,” and in the second half, the second course, episodes 14 to 24, “Kyoto Sister School Exchange Meeting” and “The Origin of Blind” It will be exhibited from August 6 to September 5. The original manga by Gege Akutami will be serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump” (Shueisha) from March 2018.
The comic has recorded explosive sales of over 50 million copies in total. The TV anime was broadcast on TBS from October last year to March this year. (Yorozu ~ News, Kazuki Matsuda)