The TV anime “Attack on Titan” series, which is attracting attention from worldwide, won the Most In-Demand TV Series in the World 2021 at the Global TV Demand Award. Did. This is a Japanese TV that won the annual grand prize by holding down such nominated works such as “Paper House”, “The Walking Dead”, and “WandaVision” for TV series including not only animation but also dramas from all over the world. It achieved an exceptional achievement for anime.
In addition, at the 6th Crunchyroll Anime Awards, he won awards in five categories, including the Anime of the Year. Last year, part 1 of the TV anime “Attack on Titan” broadcast was targeted. The Anime of the Year, Best Opening Award (Shinsei Kamattechan “My War”), Best Bad Actor Award (Eren Yeager), Received the Best Voice Actor Award in the Japanese category (Yuki Kaji as Eren Yeager). Just like the characters, they have crossed the sea and continue to make great strides worldwide.
And in the TV anime “Attack on Titan” The Final Season Part 2, the opening song SiM “The Rumbling” was ranked in the charts of each country and entered the top 10 in 33 countries on the iTunes Rock chart, Apple Music. Top 10 in 39 countries on the Rock chart. In addition to being ranked in the Shazam TOP 200 in 35 countries, it is also No. 3 on the Spotify Global Viral Chart, in the Top 50 in 66 countries, and No. 1 in 6 countries. In addition, it won the top spot on the US Billboard Hot Hard Rock Song Chart dated January 29 and has been receiving a lot of attention in the world rock scene. The ending song Ai Higuchi “Akuma no Ko” also won 1st place in 91 countries on the Apple Music J-Pop chart, entered the TOP 10 in 118 countries, 5th place on the Spotify global viral chart, 1st place in 6 countries, etc. It is sweeping the charts around the world.
The story of Ellen and his friends has reached the final chapter, and the ground noise has finally been activated, and “Attack on Titan” The Final Season Part 2 is currently on NHK General TV every Sunday at 24:05. He was broadcasting from the minute.