Takahiro Kimura, an animator who worked on character designs for the popular anime “Code Geass” series, passed away on March 5. It was announced on the official website of the series on the 9th.
The site announced, “Takahiro Kimura, an animator who worked as a character designer for the ‘Code Geass’ series, passed away on March 5, 2023, after battling an incurable disease, amyloidosis.” “Furthermore, at the request of the bereaved family, he has decided to announce the name of his illness on this occasion.”
In the announcement, he continued, “Mr. Kimura created many characters through animation and illustrations and created wonderful animation images that moved my heart. I have nothing but words of gratitude.” I pray for you,” he concludes.
In 2006, “Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion” was broadcast in the “Code Geass” series, and in 2008, “Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2”, the second season of the anime, was broadcast. After that, it gained popularity with the theatrical version of the omnibus, etc. ENCOUNT editorial department