“Science SARU x MBS Original Short Animation Strategy!” is a 90-second animation by the highly recommended creators of “Science SARU,” who have worked on “DEVILMAN Crybaby” and “The Tale of the Heike” and will produce “Dandadan” in 2024!” will be broadcast from March on the “Super Animeism” slot on 28 MBS/TBS stations nationwide. Along with the announcement, scene cuts from each episode also arrived.
“Science SARU x MBS Original Short Anime Strategy!”‘ consists of 4 parts (3 works). Among the directors in charge of each episode, Akitoshi Yokoyama made his directorial debut with “Photokano” and is known for demonstrating his skills as a director with “Cutie Honey Universe” and “Moon, Laika, and Vampire.” Eri Kinoshita joined Science SARU after graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media, majoring in animation. He is an up-and-coming young filmmaker deeply involved in Masaaki Yuasa’s works as an original animator, flash animator, and animation director.
Choi Eun-young has participated as an animator in films such as “Shijohan Mythology” and “Ping Pong THE ANIMATION,” and is not only a producer but also a director on “Red Mist” in “Star Wars: Visions.” In addition, after joining Science SARU as a co-director in 2019, he participated as an original animation director and animation director on films such as “Keep Your Hands Off on Eizouken!” and “The Tale of the Heike.” He worked with Japan’s leading creators, such as Naoko Yamada and Takashi Kojima. Murakoshi Asami, a young hope who has a lot of trust, was also included.
Prominent creators will take on the challenge of expressing their unique worldviews through short animation. A 90-second animation created by the highly recommended creators of “Science SARU” “Science SARU x MBS Original Short Animation Strategy!”‘ will be broadcast from March on the Oshiri slot of ‘Super Animeism’ on 28 MBS/TBS stations nationwide. Details such as the title of the work will be announced at a later date. Expectations are high for the world of short animation, which has never been seen before.
Science SARU x MBS original short anime strategy! Starting from March 1, 2024, it will start broadcasting on the Super Animeism Oshiri slot on 28 MBS/TBS stations nationwide at around 25:50 every Friday (4 episodes in total) (C) 2024 “Short Anime Daisakusen”!” Project MBS