Eiichiro Oda, the author of the popular manga “ONE PIECE,” announced in 1994 that the short story “MONSTERS” reported in the “Weekly Shonen Jump Special Edition 1994 Autumn Special” issue would be animated for the first time.
The title is “MONSTERS 103 Jou Hiryu Samurai”; a teaser visual and animation production announcement video has been released.
“MONSTERS” is a story depicting the samurai Ryuma’s sword fight story, and it was published as a 45-page short read in the special edition of “Weekly Shonen Jump,” “Weekly Shonen Jump Special Edition 1994 Autumn Special” in 1994, before “ONE PIECE” was serialized (1997-ongoing).
The story’s content is that in a peaceful era, only one “fear” was dancing in the sky that disturbed the slow flow of time. “Fear” means the absolute destruction of the land. It was the appearance of a dragon in the story.
The animation production staff this time is directed and composed by Park Seiho, who also participated in “ONE PIECE FILM Z” as an animator (director of TV animation “Jujutsu Kaisen” 1st season, “Theatrical version Jujutsu Kaisen 0”), and E & H production is in charge of production—produced as an animation of one episode of TV animation.
The anime is not a series production, and future information will be announced in “Weekly Shonen Jump” from time to time.