Following the wishes of the late Masashi Kikami, a screening of the anime ‘Little Jam and Goblin Opp’ will be held in Ikebukuro.

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On November 30, Hall Mixa in Tokyo will screen the short animated film “Little Jam and Goblin Opp,” based on a picture book by animator Kikami Masuji.

The Kyoto Animation Studio 1 arson and murder incident occurred on July 18, 2019. Kikami, a talented animator who served as a key animator and animation director for many anime works such as “Kaibutsu-kun,” was one of the victims of this incident, which resulted in many deaths and severe and minor injuries.

“Little Jam and Goblin Opp” is a picture book that Kikami published 35 years ago while working at the animation production studio Animalia. The film depicts Jam’s growth as an apprentice magician through interactions with Opp, a cynical goblin. The short animated film was produced by Eclat Animal, an animation production company formerly known as Animalia. Honda Toshiyuki, who worked on “Kaibutsu-kun” with Kigami, directed and directed the film, and Shibayama Tsutomu supervised it.

The cast includes Matsumoto Rika, Yamaguchi Kappei, Yoshino Yuga, and Yanagisawa Michiyo. In addition to the anime itself, the Screening will also feature a documentary film that takes a look behind the scenes at the production, “Exhibiting and Preserving the Production Process of Traditional Hand-Drawn Animation | Behind the Scenes of the Anime “Little Jam and the Goblin Opp.” The film was directed by Takeuchi Ryo, who is well-known in China.

After the Screening, a talk show will be held with guests Honda Toshiyuki, animation director Noguchi Masatsune, and animation director Tominaga Sadayoshi. Attendees will receive an original illustrated card by Honda Toshiyuki. Tickets are on sale at Pass Market.

Premiere screening of the animated film “Little Jam and Goblin Opp” Date: Saturday, November 30, 2024 Doors open at 13:00 / Screening starts at 13:30 Venue: Hall Mixa, Tokyo Price: 1,500 yen

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