The 20th new series of the popular anime “Pretty Cure” broadcast on the 9th, “Spreading Sky!” Pretty Cure” (ABC TV/TV Asahi, every Sunday at 8:30) has released the 10th episode scene cut and synopsis.
“Mumumu! What does a memorable dish taste like!?”) us. While the decorations are being prepared, Mashiro (voice: Ai Kakuma) asks Tsubasa, “Is there anything you’d like to eat?” It was a fish-shaped dish from Skyland that looked a lot like taiyaki.
First, Sora and the others try making taiyaki. Tsubasa says it’s “delicious,” but it’s somewhat different from the “Yakitai,” which uses ingredients from Skyland. Sora and the others try different flavors by changing the contents, but they need help to make something similar.
In the evening, Sora and the others go out to buy ingredients. Along the way, Mashiro made rice balls with her parents when she was little, and she says she will never forget it. Tsubasa was taken aback when she heard about it, but Kabaton appeared, disguised as a stone-roasted sweet potato shop.
“Expanding Sky! The motif of Pretty Cure is the endless sky, and the theme is the Hero. The story unfolds in two cities, the sky world “Skyland” and the nature-filled “Solaseed City,” where new Pretty Cures play an active role.