A mainstream Japanese cosplayer is known for changing herself into genuine forms of hot female anime characters as of late came out as a man who utilizes cosmetics, wigs and different accomplices to accomplish an incredibly ladylike look.
With more than 65,000 supporters on Twitter and a few different thousands on Instagram, Rei Dunois can securely be portrayed as a genuinely famous female cosplayer. Be that as it may, appearances can be beguiling. In spite of having become well known by changing into different female anime characters in the course of the most recent few years, Rei as of late left her fans with their mouths all the way open by uncovering that she was really a “he”. In the wake of keeping the appearances up for such a long time, the gifted cosplayer clearly chose to uncover the reality and persuade individuals that they shouldn’t think all that they see on the web.
A little waste, plentiful chest, and an alluring female face immediately launch Rei Dunois to the status of cosplay goddess in Japan. In all honesty, a large portion of her male fans never envisioned that the lady they had always wanted to be really a grown-up male with ladylike highlights.

“The hot young lady whom I’ve been following for some time is a kid? Staggering!” one of Rei’s supporters remarked.
“Cannot believe anything on the Internet,” another person wrote, which just happened to be the point the cosplayer was trying to prove.

Although the reveal caused a big shock, subsuquent reactions were surprisingly positive, with most commenters praising and commending Rei Dunois for her makeup and digital editing skills. Because yes, did use a bit of tech magic as well.
And in case you’re wondering how the male cosplayer got those big boobs, they’re actually a silicone prosthesis concealed with makeup. They look very real, not gonna lie…
Remeber Takuma Tani, the 42-year-old man who has been cosplaying as a young schoolgirl for almost a decade? Well, apparently he’s not the only one who can pull off the feminine look with ease.