On the 4th, JR Kyushu held a departure ceremony for a collaboration train at Hakata Station to commemorate the movie adaptation of the popular anime “Jujutsu Kaisen.” Characters and famous lines are wrapped around the exterior of the vehicle. Next year, until the end of February, he will run Hakata-Nagasaki and Hakata-Oita as limited express “Kamome” and “Sonic.”
The platform at Hakata Station was crowded with fans taking pictures of the train. At the departure ceremony, JR Kyushu’s sales manager, Tomonori Kami, said, “Enjoy the railroad trip through this campaign.”
Yuji Itadori, the main character, is also drawn on the car body and the deck inside the car. You can board with the same ticket as a regular limited express, and you can check the operation schedule on the unique site of JR Kyushu.