A video by the cast of the TV anime “Jujutsu Kaisen” has been released on ABEMA’s official anime SNS. Junya Enoki, who plays Yuji Kojo, Yuuma Uchida, who plays Megumi Fushiguro, and Masami Seto, who plays Nobara Kugisaki, appeared and gave a talk on the topic of “If I could use a technique, what would I do?” ing.
Enoki grins and says, I’m allergic to dogs, so I’ll bring out the ball dog and have a good time.” To this, Uchida commented, Can you please not use it for that purpose?”
Seto said I like Toudou’s boogie-woogie! I wonder if I can surprise him if we switch places? I want to play a prank on him.” Enoki was surprised and said, That’s it!”
Uchida said, ” “Expand your domain and devour everything that comes into its range…” scaring them.
“Jujutsu Kaisen” is based on the manga of the same name that began serialization in “Weekly Shonen Jump” in March 2018. After the seal of a powerful “curse” is broken, high school student Yuji Kojo… A dark fantasy that takes you into a world of battles over curses.
The cumulative circulation of comics has exceeded 80 million copies. The TV anime was broadcast from October 2020 to March 2021 and gained popularity. It was made into a theatrical animation in December 2021, with the second season of the TV anime broadcast from July 2023.