The sixth episode of the second season of the popular anime “Kimetsu no Yaiba,” “Kimetsu no Yaiba” Yukaku (Fuji TV series, every Sunday from 11:15 pm) was broadcast on the 9th. A mysterious swordfighter appeared, and Kazuhiko Inoue was in charge of the character’s voice.
In the sixth episode, “Overlapping Memories,” while the fierce battle with the fallen princess continued last time, Sumijiro confronts “Hinokami Kagura,” which is a heavy burden on the body. Around that time, Inosuke arrives at the demon’s nest in the obi and rescues the people trapped in the obi. Suddenly, the ceiling of the nest was torn while Suma and Zeni helped the rescued firewood … Umeda, who appeared, wielded its blade. The sixth episode depicts the subsequent battle.
In the middle of the story, there was a scene where a mysterious swordfighter appeared, and the fans responded with “Voice, Kazuhiko Inoue!” The name of this swordfighter is revealed in the original, but in the ending credit, it was introduced as “Kazuhiko Inoue.”
In the second period, the continuation of “Theatrical Version” Devil’s Blade “Infinite Train Edition” is drawn, and Charcoal Jiro and others live together with Umeda Tengen of the sound pillar, one of the highest swordfighters of the demon slaughter corps. A story is heading to the Yukaku.