“Urusei Yatsura Cafe,” which collaborated with the popular anime “Urusei Yatsura” for the new Reiwa version, opened on the 8th at BOX cafe&space Harajuku Alta in Harajuku, Tokyo. In addition to the original menu and original goods that are the features of the collaboration cafe, the life-size figure sold by lottery for a price of 5.8 million yen is attracting the attention of fans.
The pedestal is also stylish! Life-size Ram and Ten are smiling on a pedestal studded with stars on the whole moon of Ram-chan and Ten-chan figures. Exquisite texture and balance. The installation of life-size figures is rare among the many collaboration cafes with popular anime and games. Designed by Design Coco, who won a special award in the manufacturing and production process category of the 2018 Cabinet Office Minister’s “Monozukuri Nippon Grand Award.”
The company came up with a design proposal, and after receiving permission from the original author, manga artist Rumiko Takahashi, production started based on the illustrations drawn by the animators. The person in charge of the company said, “How to put Ram-chan’s anime design into a three-dimensional life-size, and the life-size balance and facial expressions, etc., while adjusting the balance so that it can be established as a three-dimensional object that shares the same space as the fans.
The creators of Design Coco repeatedly created prototypes made of styrofoam. They made steady adjustments.” The figure was completed as determined to “create the cutest Ram.” On the first day of the 8th, many visitors enjoyed taking commemorative photos with Ram and Ten. A cafe staff member said, “A customer who brought in a huge stuffed kotatsu cat took a picture with us. Then, the scene where other customers borrowed the kotatsu cat and took a picture was impressive.”
Through the life-size figure, it also became a place for strangers to interact with each other. FRP (Fiber reinforced plastic ) is used, and strength is improved with a steel frame. We are accepting reservations for this masterpiece with a total height of 143 cm and a weight of about 74 kg.
The price is 5,800,000 yen (shipping and installation costs included) and is limited to one. The application deadline is June 25. If there are two or more applicants, tickets will be sold by lottery. “Urusei Yatsura” started a new animation on Fuji TV in October for the first time in 36 years.
There are many famous characters, but in the food menu, “Ram’s affection-filled demon on gratin toast” and “[ Moroboshi Ataru x Ram] Dengeki pancake” are said to be popular among original goods related to rum. In addition, there was a lot of attention from overseas, such as receiving interview requests from France and many Asian customers on the first day.
According to cafe staff, the customers’ age group differs from other collaboration cafes. “Men in their 50s and 60s, women in their 20s, and even families with children come to visit. Usually, there are many young people at collaboration cafes, so it’s rare to see such a wide range of age groups.
I want you to enjoy it,” he called out. Tokyo venue until February 5 next year. It will travel to the Osaka venue (February 9 to March 12, 2011), the Nagoya venue (March 16 to April 9, 2011), and the Sendai venue (June 1 to 25, 2011). For details on venues and tickets, please visit the official website. (Various news, Kohei Yamamoto)