The second season of the latest installment of the popular anime series Mobile Suit Gundam, “The Witch of Mercury,” will begin on MBC TV on Sunday, the 9th. In front of it, a panel depicting Kagoshima’s famous places and the main character is open to the public in Kagoshima City.
What appeared in the lobby of MBC headquarters in Kagoshima City illustrates the protagonists of “The Witch of Mercury,” Sleta Mercury and Miolina Rembrun, visiting Yakushima and looking up at a giant cedar tree in a mysterious forest. It is approximately 2 meters long and 1.5 meters wide.
“Witch of Mercury” was broadcast on JNN28 stations, including MBC, from October last year to January this year. We collected the topic of fans.
Prior to the start of the second season, which is the sequel, an illustration drawn by the two main characters traveling to tourist attractions of JNN stations as a “Mercury Witch Japan Tour” has been released in various places. In Kagoshima, Yakushima, It became an illustration.
The second “Mercury Witch” season will be broadcast from 5:00 pm on the 9th. The panel is open to the public from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm on weekdays until June 30th at the lobby on the 1st floor of the MBC headquarters in Koraicho, Kagoshima City.