2024 “BL” spring anime of “AnimeFesta Original,” also known as the “monk frame,” which is familiar from “On a Night of Lust with a Monk” and “Bride of the Giants,” “Despite the horse character, Prince Spadari loves me” I am. ‘, the first cast and character information and comments from the original author have been announced.
“Even though he is a guessing horse character, he is loved by Prince Spadari.” is based on a BL comic by Ao Yuuki. The main character, who was reincarnated as Ronil, a nuisance character who obstructs the novel’s love path, tries desperately to avoid Prince Alek so as not to be condemned for interfering with his love life with the heroine. Still, unlike in the novel, he is forced by the prince. Draw a picture of being doted on. This time, the first cast and character information has been announced. Santa Hiiragi plays the role of Alek Ray Garcia, the perfect Prince of Spadari who appears in the famous fantasy novel “The Silver Prince and the Holy Bride.”
In contrast, Ronil plays the “hitting horse mob character” in the romantic fantasy novel in which “I,” who died in an accident, is reincarnated. Haru Danji will play the role of Gravis. “Even though he is a guessing horse character, he is loved by Prince Spadari.’ will begin broadcasting on TOKYO MX and other channels from April 7, 2024.
A premium adult version will also be distributed exclusively at “AnimeFesta.” Original Work by Ao Yuuki – Please let us know if you have any particular points about the original Work. The highlight is when Alec (Atsushi) dotes on Ronil (Uke). From romantic comedies to severe stories, Ronil’s love is infused everywhere.
I wanted Ronil to have sparkling eyes and Alec to be a silver-haired man. TV anime: “Even though he is a guessing horse character, he is loved by Prince Spadari.” Work overview TOKYO MX/BS11 Scheduled to start broadcasting every Sunday from 25:00 from April 7, 2024; AnimeFesta Episode 1 advance distribution scheduled to begin streaming every Sunday from 24:00 from April 7, 2024, On air Free distribution of the version *Premium version for adults will be distributed only at “AnimeFesta” YouTube toridori [Presented by AnimeFesta Original BL] BL anime specialty Ch The on-air version will be distributed every Sunday from 25:00 from April 7, 2024