The new original animation “Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance,” which focuses on the European front during the One Year War, which is the setting of the first Gundam series “Mobile Suit Gundam” (1979), will be distributed exclusively Netflix worldwide. It was decided that it would be done. At the same time, teaser PV2 was released.
“Requiem of Vengeance” is set on the European front during the One Year War. The 3D tool “Unreal Engine 5” was used in the production, and each episode is about 30 minutes long, with a total of 6 episodes.
The teaser PV2 released today features war-torn European cityscapes, vast natural landscapes, the main character “Ilya Solari,” the mobile suit “ZAKU II,” and many characters and mecha that have never been shown. There is.
The script was written by Gavin Heinnight (anime “Tekken: Bloodline,” “Transformers Cyberverse,” game “Marvel’s Spider-Man”), and the director was Erasmus Brosdau (anime “Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness,” game “Star Citizen,” “Rise”) “Son of Rome” and “Crisis” series), Naohiro Ogata of Bandai Namco Film Works will be the executive producer, and Gavin Heinnight, who will serve as the scriptwriter for this work, will create a new appeal.