The completely new original animation “AYAKA -Ayaka-,” a collaboration between Gora and King Records, has decided to start an animation project in 2023. Along with the start of the project, the teaser visual, teaser PV, and principal cast information have been released.
“AYAKA -Ayaka-” is set in Ayakashima, a series of seven islands, by the writer group Gora. A new original animation depicting Gora’s story is responsible for the series’ composition and screenplay. Redjuice, an illustrator in order of the initial drafts of many famous works, is the director, Nobuyoshi Nagayama is the director, Misaki Kaneko is the character designer, Naoya Tanaka is the production designer, and Studio Blanc is in charge of the animation production.
The teaser visual is drawn by red juice, the original character designer. The four main characters are depicted, with Yuto Uemura playing the role of Yukihito Yanagi, a boy standing in front of him, Takuatsu Terashima playing the role of Jingi Sagawa, a young man crouching to the right of Yukihito, with a smile on his face.
In addition, Takahiro Sakurai will play the role of Shunju Kurama, a young man who wears a fan and holds a fan, and Yuichiro Umehara will play the role of Akane Ibuki, who wears a slim suit with a red tie and an armband.
The contrast between vermilion and blue, the brightly illuminated starry sky that looks like a ring of light, the rough earth, and the trees with shimenawa (traditional straw ropes) hanging from paper strips. Objects dyed in vermillion and blue are also depicted in contrast.
Yukito Yanagi cv. Yuuto Uemura
A boy who grew up in an orphanage on the mainland and returned to his hometown, Ayakashima, for the first time in ten years. He was born with the power to manipulate water, but he causes it to go out of control and danger the children in the facility. Since then, he has been distanced from others, and Yukito has given up on joining people’s circles. Still, deep down in his heart, he craves a connection with others.
Jingi Sagawa cv. Takuma Terashima
Masato Yanagi’s third disciple was called “Great Hermit.” As a pulse patcher, he is good at manipulating water, which is the same type of ability as Yukito. He is a troubled young man who enjoys drinking and gambling with all his might every day and does not try to work unless he needs money. Even so, he is unexpectedly liked by the island’s people because of his bottomless cheerfulness and friendliness.
Haruaki Kurama (cv. Takahiro Sakurai)
Masato Yanagi, the number one disciple, currently serves as the head priest of Kasen Shrine on Minoshima. He has an excellent ability to splice a pulse and, if requested, solves cases involving Mitama with his disciples Chataro and Yogo. He treats everyone kindly and calmly, like a good older man, except for his fellow student, Ibuki. However, he quietly gives a glimpse of cold anger.
Aka Ibuki cv. Yuichiro Umehara
Director of Ayaka Security, an organization, specializing in exterminating Aramitama as a security company. A second disciple who studied under Masato Yanagi, he fights against Aramitama using special bullets that contain techniques. His senior student Kurama was a close friend and rival, but now they are at odds with each other due to differences in how they should be connected.
The teaser PV starts with a scene in which Yukito, born with the ability to “manipulate water,” floats underwater. Then, Yukito and Tsurugi head to Ayakashima, and the townspeople welcome them to Ayakashima. Haruaki, who learns of Yukito’s return from a human-shaped shikigami, and Akane, who calls out to Yukito after meeting him again for the first time in 10 years.
The central characters appear one after another. What will happen when those who carry their destiny gather on Ayakashima? Yukihito, Jingi, Shunju, and Akane… The video raises expectations for the relationship and story of the four of them.
Original anime [AYAKA -Ayaka-] teaser PV [broadcast in 2023]
Gora, the original author, said, “It’s finally been announced. It will be an original animation. After many training camps, the script is completely completed. All other work is fine—a tale of idyllic islands, magical arts, family, and feuds. If you like “K” and his other Gora projects, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Please stay tuned!” commented.
Details of the utterly new animation “AYAKA -Ayaka-” woven by GoRA’s detailed story and the up-and-coming staff are on the official website.