‘Pokemon’ Galal Fire appears. Why are you angry? Episode 23 synopsis & scene cut released

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The synopsis and cut scenes of the 23rd episode of the new series of the popular anime “Pokemon” (official abbreviation: Anipoke, TV Tokyo, every Friday from 6:55 p.m.) have been released.

Episode 23, “The Roaring Galal Fire,” is not the black Rayquaza in Galar Kozan but the proof of the six hero Pokemon who traveled with Lucius, Galarfa holding the ancient monster ball. It was a year!

Riko and her friends try to get closer to Galal Fire, burning with rage and keeping others at bay.

Winning battles is not the only way to become a trainer – what is the strategy inspired by the words of gym leader Kabu??

The anime Pokémon”, which began airing in April 1997, tells the story of the main character, Satoshi, who sets out from Masala Town with his partner Pikachu, meets and battles with many friends, and aims to become aPokémon Master”. It had been.

In the current new series, the main characters have been replaced by Satoshi and Pikachu, and the story is set in the entire Pokémon world where the main characters, Riko and Roy, find something important through their adventures. Rico and Roy go on an adventure with many Pokemon, including Nyaoha, Hogeta, and Kwass.

Episode 23 synopsis

What was in Galar Kozan was not a black Rayquaza but a Galal Fire with an ancient monster ball, the proof of the six hero Pokemon that traveled with Lucius! Riko and her friends try to get closer to Galal Fire, burning with rage and keeping others at bay. Winning battles is not the only way to become a trainer – what is the strategy inspired by the words of gym leader Kabu?

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