Reason Government Lied About the God Valley Incident: One Piece

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The events of God’s Valley have been discussed several times in one piece. The official story from the World Government account of this event states how Garp and the Marines destroyed the myth of the Rock Pirates, making Garp the hero of the Marines. But the manga chapter 1096 that was released recently shed some light on what happened in the Valley of God on that fateful day. And without fear, it is shown that the world government is lying to the people. And here’s why.

To cover the hunt for world leaders

The Valley of the Gods incident is known throughout the world as the day when the mighty Marines, under the leadership of Vice Admiral Garp defeated the famous Pirates of the Rocks. But the truth is that neither Garp nor the Rocks Pirates should have been in the Valley of the Gods that day, 38 years ago. God’s Valley was supposed to be a place of bloodshed, but everything went south quickly that day. The World Leaders have a horrible game called the Village Hunting Tournament that seems to happen every three years. As the name suggests, this is a “game” for rogue internationals where they can hunt down and kill an islander who has no ties to the World Government. The goal of the game is actually to clean up the natives. Whoever manages to kill the most inhabitants will win the competition. As soon as the inhabitants of the island disappear, the world government will claim it and do with it as they like. 38 years ago, the playground chosen for this operation was none other than a small island called God’s Valley. What happened in God’s Valley was supposed to be a secret, but somehow, the bandits got wind of it and came to the island. Chaos ensues, and by the end of the day, news of God’s Valley will have spread around the world. The World Government knows that if the public knows what the World Government is doing on the island, there will be chaos and rebellion all over the world. So they created a different story and expanded their version of reality. One that has not only hunted down the World Leaders but also shown them as good people.

To cover Garp and Roger fight together

While the World Noble was committing crimes against humanity, a group of children led by Emporio Ivankov, who was still a child at the time, removed what happened to the world. Not only that, they also mentioned the awesome prize that should be given to the winner of the competition, two rare devil fruits. This news reached the inhabitants of the nearest island, which happened on Hachinosu Pirate Island. Upon hearing this news, several pirates set sail for the island, including the Rocks Pirates and Roger Pirates. They knew there would be a lot of Marines on the island, but the prospect of getting their hands on these rare powers was too much of an opportunity to pass up. When the Marines heard about the wave of pirates approaching the island of God Valley, then-Admiral Kong immediately contacted Garp and asked him to come to the island.

Needless to say, what happened was one of the biggest riots in history. One path leads to another, and Garp finds himself with Gol D. Roger joining forces to fight Rocks and his crew. After a long and intense battle, Garp and Roger managed to defeat the famous Pirate Rocks, which caused the crew to disperse.

Although the elimination of the Rock Pirates is good news for the World Government, how they won is more important to them. There is no way the World Government will publicly admit that they need the help of pirates to defeat another pirate. They would rather die than admit that the pirates need their help to do their job. So they lied to the public and claimed that Garp had single-handedly defeated the Rocks Pirates.

Taking only credit for defeating notorious criminals

Continuing from the previous section, there is another reason why the World Government lied about Gol D’s involvement. Roger by defeating Rocks and his crew. He alone deserves credit for eliminating the famous Rock Pirates. There is no doubt that what happened in the Valley of the Gods was one of the worst days the World Government has ever experienced. But in such a chaotic situation, they managed to use the opportunity not only to hide their crimes, but also to gain the upper hand and improve their reputation in the eyes of the people.

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