It has been decided that Season 2 of the TV anime “MIX,” based on Mitsuru Adachi’s baseball manga, will be produced. In commemoration of this, Season 1 will be distributed sequentially on Tver for a limited time from August 6th to 31st (distribution schedule is posted at the end of the article).
The original manga ‘MIX’ is set in Meisei Gakuen 30 years after Adachi’s masterpiece, ‘Touch.’ In Season 1 of the TV anime broadcast in 2019, Yuki Kaji played the role of Touma, and Yuma Uchida played the role of Soichiro. Mamoru is in charge. In addition, Kana Hanazawa (role of Haruka Oyama), Wataru Takagi (role of Eisuke Tachibana), Kikuko Inoue (role of Mayumi Tachibana), and Ryuusei Nakao (part of Isamu Nishimura) also appeared.