In the final episode of the anime NANA, the story jumps six years into the future. Until then, the story had focused on a love triangle surrounding the romantically inclined protagonist. However, when it aired, her daughter appeared in the future, causing a stir among many fans.
The anime “NANA” aired in 2006 and is based on a popular manga by Ai Yazawa. The story begins when two “Nases” meet by chance: Hachi, otherwise known as Nana Komatsu (CV: KAORI), who moves to Tokyo to follow her boyfriend and Osaki Nana (CV: Romi Park), who moves to Tokyo to become a musician.
Nana, prone to romance, has a relationship with Takumi Ichinose (voiced by Tomoyuki Morikawa ), a popular band member of the “Tranes” band after her boyfriend cheats on her. She then starts dating Nobuo Terashima (voiced by Tomokazu Seki ), a member of another band, “Black Stones,” but when Nana finds out she is pregnant, he suspects she is cheating on him. With no clear idea that her baby is her father, Nana returns to Takumi.
With this complicated love story depicted, the story suddenly jumps forward to six years later in the final episode, episode 47. Now a mother, Nana takes her six-year-old daughter, Satsuki Ichinose (CV: Yukiko Kato), to the apartment filled with memories of Nana and her friends. Among the friends gathered to watch the fireworks is Nobuo, who gives Satsuki a toy as a present.
Judging from the name Ichinose Satsuki, Satsuki is related to Ichinose Takumi, but the details have not been revealed. When Satsuki first aired, fans were shocked by her appearance, asking, “Did Nana manage to marry Takumi?” and “Who are Satsuki’s parents?”.
In addition, when the members gathered to watch the fireworks, Nana was nowhere to be seen. The ending, which left a lingering impression and a mystery, left fans with questions like, “That’s a significant ending,” and “What happened to Nana?”
The “ro” in Park Ro-mi’s name is officially written as “Ro” with the “King” radical and “Ro” radical.