A new key visual for the TV anime “Haigakura” based on the original work by Shinobu Takayama has been released. “Haigakura” is an action fantasy set in the world of immortals, where gods and humans live, depicting the battle between Ichiyo, a singer who searches for the Four Fiends, the evil gods who hold the key to the collapse of the world of immortals, and Tenko, a mid-level god who is Ichiyo’s servant and has lost his memory. The critical visual depicts Ichiyo and Tenko dynamically.
The theme songs have also been announced. The opening theme will be “Chaser” by MADKID, and the ending will be “Phoenix” by Makishima Teru. LIN and Makishima from MADKID also commented. The TV anime will be broadcast in October on TOKYO MX, Sun TV, BS Asahi, and other channels.
LIN (MADKID) Comment: “Chaser,” for which I wrote the lyrics, is a high-tempo, oriental song that incorporates the world view of “Haigakura,” Ichiyo’s pursuit of who she is, and the relationship between her and Dianhong, who follows her, into the lyrics in my way. I am pleased to be involved in the anime adaptation of such an excellent work! I hope you will enjoy the opening theme along with the work! Makishima Teru Comment: I am happy to be in charge of the ending theme of “Haigakura.” I also read the original work.
The worldview is so cool! In the detailed setting, the feelings of the charming characters are conveyed one after another, and the story unfolds quickly, so I was excited to read it. I think the world of “Haigakura” will become more apparent when it is animated and the voices are added, and I am also looking forward to the broadcast. I sang it with all my heart so that everyone who watches the anime can enter the world of “Haigakura” more deeply, so please listen to it!
TV anime “Haigakura” will be broadcast on TOKYO MX, Sun TV, BS Asahi, and others from October 2024.
Staff Director: Junichi Yamamoto Series composition: Yu Murai Character design: Masaki Sato Sub-character design: Hideki Furukawa Monster design: Kenji Ando Prop design: Noriyoshi Tachibana Art director and art setting: Kenji Matsumoto Color design: Aiko Matsuyama Director of photography: Shinya Kinbu Editing: Takashi Sakurai Sound director: Yasunori Ebina Sound production: Glow Vision Casting cooperation: Ardi Music: Yuki Kurihara Music production: Nippon Columbia Animation production: Typhoon Graphics
Cast Ichiyo: Takeo Otsuka
Tenkou: Kaito Ishikawa Hakushurin: Lynn Ransaiwa: Shimono HiroSonto: Hino SatokaKaka: Kugimiya RieRyu: Tamura MutsumiHeikan: Murase AyumiHoryuusei: Kajiwara GakutoHiki: Kimura RyoheiSan’u : Suzuki RyotaHakugo : Inoue Kazuhiko