The new TV unique anime “The Quintessential Quintuplets*” of the anime “The Quintessential Quintuplets” will be screened in theaters nationwide for three weeks starting September 20th, before the TV broadcast. The teaser visual and information on the opening and ending theme songs were also announced.
“The Quintessential Quintuplets*” is based on Haruba Negi’s original idea and supervision and depicts the honeymoon arc of Fuutarou and the quintuplets. Once again, it is a 500% cute romantic comedy.
The teaser visual shows the quintuplets having fun as high school students wearing different-colored muumuus against the backdrop of the vibrant Hawaiian ocean. The same visual is also used in the bonus transparent file that will be sold as a bonus with the movie ticket card sold at theaters and majors nationwide from July 19th.
In addition, information on the theme songs was also announced. The opening theme song, “Five Equal Smiles,” and the ending theme song, “Memories,” will be performed by the main heroines of this work, the Nakano Quintuplets ( Hanazawa Kana, Taketatsu Ayana, Ito Miku, Sakura Ayane, Minase Inori ), as in the past. The EP will be released on September 18th, just before the theatrical release, and will include the theme song and insert song that will color “The Quintessential Quintuplets*.”
“The Quintessential Quintuplets*” Introduction
The long-awaited honeymoon episode has been visualized under Haruba Negi’s original idea and full supervision. We bring you the daily life of Fuutarou and the quintuplets as adults! Fuutarou guided the beautiful quintuplets, who were “on the verge of failing” and “hated studying,” to “graduate” as a part-time tutor.
The quintuplets walked their paths and achieved their dreams but seemed troubled by something. Meanwhile, Fuutarou and the quintuplets plan a trip to Hawaii that will also serve as their honeymoon. Just as preparations were going smoothly, an incident was discovered, causing a panic!! Furthermore, they got caught up in some trouble during their trip to Hawaii…!? A honeymoon edition of the quintuplets’ 500% cuteness love comedy!!