Turner Japan Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo), which operates the animation channel “Cartoon Network,” has limited the Japanese subtitled version of the popular short animation “Villanos” in Latin America to the Cartoon Network official YouTube channel—delivered by. It will be open to the public from 5:30 pm on Saturday, August 14th.
“Villanos” is a short anime series that started with YouTube limited distribution in Mexico and is extremely popular in Latin America. Sir Topham Hatt, the leader of the Black Hat organization that helps and supports all the bad guys, makes an evil plan, but the story is constantly disturbed by the three members. A Japanese subtitled version (audio: Spanish) will be distributed exclusively on the Cartoon Network official YouTube channel.
On Saturday, August 14th, the first series of “Dark Black Hats” (Phase1) will be released. We will release nine short episodes as one video. The 2nd series, “Phase 2,” and the 3rd series, “Rogue Training Course” will be released in sequence.
Outline of the work
Sir Topham Hatt, the evilest villain in the world (Villan). He reigns as a leader in the Black Hat organization, which helps and supports all kinds of bad guys. The other members of the Black Hat team are Dr. Flag, a scientist who is good at inventing. Dementia, free-spirited dementia who loves Sir Topham Hatt, and 5.0.5., A cute but unsuccessful experimental animal. The black hat corps’ evil plans are constantly disturbed by these three people.
Outline of distribution
Title: “Villanos” Japanese subtitles (audio: Spanish) Release start: Saturday, August 14, 2021, 5:30 pm
Distribution: Cartoon Network official YouTube Channel
About Cartoon Network The
World’s largest channel is dedicated to animation, which about 400 million households in more than 192 countries.
Twenty-four hours of high-quality works carefully selected from all over the world, including the eternal masterpiece “Tom and Jerry,” popular anime such as “Thomas the Tank Engine,” and the original anime “Powerpuff Girls,” “The Amazing World of Gumball,” and “Adventure Time.” broadcast. In Japan, in addition to SKY PerfecTV !, it is being broadcast on cable TV and IPTV nationwide. There are about 7.2 million households that can watch.
About WarnerMedia
WarnerMedia’s businesses include home entertainment and TV broadcast rights licenses, games, including production of original Japanese content such as animations and live-action movies by local production teams, distribution of Western and Japanese film, and digital distribution of movies animations, and HBO content. It also includes content development, consumer product sales, and licenses for brands and franchises owned by WarnerMedia, such as HBO, Harry Potter’s Magic World, DC, and Rooney Tunes. The TV channel business also includes kids, news, and entertainment genres such as Cartoon Network, CNN International, DC, MONDO TV, and Travel Channel.