On December 17th, the “TV Asahi New Anime Announcement” was broadcast on the YouTube channel of the TV Asahi Animation. It revealed that the station will launch a new anime slot, ” IMAnimation W, ” in spring 2025. IMAnimation W will air every Wednesday at 11:45 p.m.
The first show to air in the slot in April will be the sci-fi crime suspense ” Your Forma,” and in July, the newly animated “Hell Teacher Nube.” At the new anime announcement, Daisuke Namikawa from “Babanbabanban Vampire,” Hiroaki Hirata from “A Country Old Man Becomes a Sword Saint,” and Ryutaro Okiayu from “Hell Teacher Nube ” appeared and held a talk show.
In addition, the main cast of “Your Forma” and a short anime adaptation of the popular illustration series “Koupen-chan” were also announced.
“Koupen-chan” will be made into a TV anime next spring: the cast, key visuals, and PV were announced immediately.
https://anime.eiga.com/news/122821/ Sci-fi crime suspense “Your Forma,” starring Hanazawa Kana and Ono Kensho, will start airing in April 2025. https://anime.eiga.com/news/122823/ The announcement ceremony is available for archive streaming.