Blue Lock is a soccer manga serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine (Kodansha) by Muneyuki Kinjo, who is in charge of the original work, and Yusuke Nomura, who is in charge of illustration. As of April 2024, it is so popular that its cumulative circulation has exceeded 30 million copies.
The first season of the anime will be broadcast in October 2022, and at the end of the broadcast, it was announced that the second season and a movie version based on the spin-off manga “Blue Lock—EPISODE Nagi—will be produced. On August 17, 2023, it was announced that “Blue Lock the Movie – EP—DE Nagi -” w—will be released in the spring of 2024.
This article will introduce Ryo Nameoka, a character in “Blue Lock -EPISODE Nagi-.” Although Namuoka does not appear in the original manga or anime of Blue Lock, he appears many times in essential scenes in the series.
What is the anime “Blue Lock”?
“Blue Lock” is an anime based on a manga depicting the battles that take place in the “Blue Lock (Blue Prison)” project, which the Japan Football Federation convened to strengthen Japanese soccer. The project involved gathering high school forwards from all over the country and developing just one top striker.
The main character, Yoichi Isagi, is an unknown player in the high school soccer world. He competes against the unique players gathered by Blue Lock under the harsh conditions of never being selected for the Japan national team again if he is eliminated. You will discover your strengths and grow remarkably as you sharpen your skills.
The main character of the spin-off manga “Blue Lock -EPISODE Nagi—” is Seishiro Nagi, a genius who also appears in the main story of “Blue Lock.” The story depicts how Nagi, an apathetic high school student, started playing soccer, the circumstances leading up to her coming to Blue Lock, and her battles after moving into the dormitory. Based on this spin-off manga, the movie “Blue Lock the Movie -EPISODE Nagi” will be released in April 2024.
This section provides basic information about Ryo Numeoka from the anime Blue Lock, introducing personalities, voice actors, etc.
Namuoka is a player who appears as an opponent of Nagi and his friends in “Blue Lock -EPISODE Nagi-.” The first match was between the high school soccer team. Currently, Numeoka does not appear in the main story of “Blue Lock” and only appears in “Blue Lock -EPISODE Nagi-.”
However, he is likely a third-year high school student since he was already the captain of the mighty Aomori Dada High School when he first appeared. Her height is also unknown, but she is drawn to be about the same size as Nagi, who is 190cm or even more significant, so it seems likely that she is over 190cm.
Basic information
The voice actor who plays Numeoka is Subaru Kimura. He is from Germany, and his hobbies and special skills are English and German.
He has played significant characters in numerous anime works, including Gian in “Doraemon,” Aoi Todo in “Jujutsu Kaisen,” Ichiro Yamada in “Hypnosis Mic,” and Hanamichi Sakuragi in “THE FIRST SLAM DUNK.”.
In addition to anime voice acting and dubbing, he is also the main MC of “Oha Suta” (TX), variety programs such as “Hirunandesu” (Nippon Television) Thursday regular, and the taiga drama “13 People of Kamakura-dono” (NHK). He has been active in various activities, including appearing as Nioh.
What is Ryo Namuoka’s ability? Physical strength is your weapon!
Numeoka’s weapon is a steel body far removed from that of a high school student. To make the most of their physicality, Aomori Dada High School uses a style that focuses the ball on Nameoka and fights with power.
On the other hand, he is also a player who can judge the situation by using his surroundings to advance the ball instead of forcing his way through when faced with multiple opponents trying to stop him. When we are attacked in front of our goal, we use our physical solid skills to defend.
Namuoka appears as the captain of an influential school.
Numeoka’s first appearance is in the first manga episode, “Blue Lock -EPISODE Nagi-.” Nagi, who has just started playing soccer after being invited by Reo Mikage, appears as the captain of Aomori Dada High School, which she plays against in a practice match.