The 59th chapter of Fujita’s Wotakoi: Love is Hard for (Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii) manga on pixiv Comic revealed on Friday that the manga is finishing off with its next part on July 16. The manga additionally revealed that the eleventh and last arranged book volume will deliver on October 14, and the extraordinary version will package the manga’s third unique anime circle. The plate will have a scene dependent on the “Organization Outing” story from the manga’s 6th volume. The part revealed a key visual:
The manga has surpassed 12 million copies available for use, including print and advanced.
Kodansha Comics is delivering the manga in English, and it portrays the story:
Narumi Momose has had it harsh: each boyfriend she’s had unloaded her once they discovered she was an otaku, so she’s put forth an admirable attempt to shroud it. Whenever a possibility meeting at her new position with a cherished companion, individual otaku, and now colleague Hirotaka Nifuji nearly gets her mystery outed at work, she concocts an arrangement to ensure he won’t ever shout out. In any case, he thinks of a counter-proposition: for what reason doesn’t she simply date him all things being equal? In adoration, there are no save focuses.
Fujita launched the manga on the picture sharing site pixiv in 2014. In November 2015, the manga moved to Ichijinsha’s Comic POOL advanced manga magazine. Ichijinsha distributed the manga’s tenth volume on February 26. Kodansha Comics delivered the fourth omnibus volume for the manga in July 2020.

The manga inspired a 11-episode TV anime that premiered in April 2018. The anime streamed on Amazon Prime Video inside and outside of Japan. The main unique anime circle for the manga dispatched with the manga’s seventh volume in March 2019. The second unique anime circle delivered with the tenth volume of Fujita’s Wotakoi: Love is Hard for (Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii) manga on February 26.
A live-action film adaptation of the manga opened in Japan in February 2020. The film debuted at #1 in its initial end of the week.