In commemorating the final episode of the TV anime “Ya Boy Kongming!” Based on the manga serialized in “Weekly Young Magazine” (Kodansha), the magazine’s website “Yanmaga Web” has published volumes 1 to 3 of the comics. It turned out that it would be delivered free from June 14th. Until the 17th.
“Parisi Komei” is a manga written by Yuto Yotsuba and drawn by Ryo Ogawa and will be serialized in 2019 on the web manga service “Comic DAYS” (same as above) and transferred to “Weekly Young Magazine” in 2021. The story of Zhuge Liang, a hero of the Three Kingdoms and a genius warrior, reincarnated in Shibuya, impressed by the song of Eiko Tsukimi, who aims to become a singer and offers to become a warrior himself. It is also talked about being selected for the “U-NEXT Award” in the web manga category of the “Next Manga Award” in 2020.
Animation is produced by P.A.WORKS such as “SHIROBAKO” and “White Sand Aquatope.” Broadcasting on TOKYO MX, MBS, and others.