Based on the action manga “Trigun” by Yasuhiro Naito, it has been decided that the original new animation “TRIGUN STAMPED” will be produced in 2023. Created by a new staff and cast, Orange of “BEASTARS” and “Land of the Lustrous” will be in charge of animation production.
Set in five moons and desert stars far from Earth, the legendary gunman Vash the Stampede, arranged as a bounty, fights to protect the wandering and devastated world. Heartful gun action story. It was made into a TV animation by Madhouse in 1998, and the movie “TRIGUN Badlands Rumble” was released in 2010.
The latest information on the new work “TRIGUN STAMPEDE” will be announced at the anime event “Anime Expo 2022,” held in Los Angeles, the USA, in July. The original author, Mr. Naito, designer Koji Tajima, orange producer Sumiken Waki, producer Kazuo Watanabe, and Toho producer Katsuhiro Takei will be on stage to talk about the planning process.