The popular manga “Ya Boy Kongming!” has been decided to be made into a TV animation by terrestrial broadcasting from April. It was found that the fastest advanced delivery will be performed on March 31st on the Internet TV service “ABEMA”.
Serialized in “Weekly Young Magazine”, this work attracts attention among manga lovers, especially on SNS. Zhuge Liang, a genius warrior who died in the Battle of Wuzhang Plain, reincarnated in modern Shibuya. To fulfil the dream of a fledgling singer-songwriter, Eiko Tsukimi, it is a comedy that will bring about innovation in the music scene.
In the animation of the same work, a novel story that combines the hero of Sangokushi and music attracted a lot of attention. There are voices on Twitter saying, “This spring animation, for the time being,” Ya Boy Kongming “is a must-see.” Such an animation of the same work will be delivered on “ABEMA” five days ahead of the terrestrial broadcasting. The first episode will be broadcast on March 31st at 11:00 pm and every Thursday after that at the same time.