In the TV anime “Attack on Titan,” the final chapter of the series “The Final Season,” which was broadcast until March 2021, has been decided to resume broadcasting on NHK General TV from January 10, 2022. Before this, from October 25th, a “special omnibus” that summarizes all 75 episodes of the series that have been broadcast so far in six, and an “extra edition” that is told from the perspectives of Levi, Ani, and Mikasa will be broadcast.
“Special omnibus” is all six episodes, “Extra edition” is all five episodes, both on-air at midnight on Sunday. Beginning with “Special Omnibus 1st Night” from 0:05 on October 25, “Special Omnibus 2nd Night” “Wall Sina, Goodbye” (before and after) from 0:05 on November 8th, November 15th “Special omnibus 3rd night” will be broadcast from 0:05.
In addition, “Special Omnibus 4th Night” will be broadcast from 0:05 on November 22nd, and “Lost in the cruel world” will be broadcast from 0:05 on November 29th. There is. The broadcast schedule of “Special Omnibus 5th Night” and “Special Omnibus 6th Night” will be announced as soon as it is decided.
On January 10, 2022, the TV anime “Attack on Titan” will resume broadcasting from the 76th episode “Condemnation” of “The Final Season.” I want to take this opportunity to enjoy the past series again.
Every Monday from 0:05 am (midnight on Sunday), General TV
The broadcast starts on January 10, 2022 (Monday)!
Particular omnibus (6 episodes) & extra edition (5 episodes)
October 25 (Monday) 0: 05- “Special Omnibus 1st Night”
November 8th (Monday) 0:05 am- “Special omnibus 2nd night.”
“Wall Sina, Goodbye” (front and back)
November 15th (Monday) 0:05 am- “Special omnibus 3rd night.”
November 22 (Monday) 0: 05- “Special Omnibus 4th Night”
November 29 (Monday) 0:05 am- “Selection without regrets” (before and after)
“Lost in the cruel world.”
All are midnight on Sundays. The broadcast schedule of “Special Omnibus 5th Night” and “Special Omnibus 6th Night” will be announced as soon as they are decided.