It has been decided that the manga “Kunoichi Tsubaki no Muneuchi” (written by Soichiro Yamamoto), which is being serialized in “Gessen,” will be made into TV animation. The broadcast is scheduled for 2022. At the same time, teaser visual, teaser PV, primary staff cast information, etc., were released.
This work is a girl’s comedy of pure ninjas presented by Soichiro Yamamoto, the popular manga “Mr. Takagi who is good at teasing,” which has a cumulative circulation of over 10 million copies. It depicts the heartwarming and cute daily life of Kunoichi and his friends.
Staff information
Director: Takudai Kakuchi
Series composition: Guardian Konomi
Character design: Yosuke Okuda
Music: Yusuke Shirato
Produced by: CloverWorks
Cast information
Camellia: Yuko Natsuyoshi