‘ANIME SAMURAI,’ an anime information media for overseas, has opened! News of ONE PIECE and Kimetsu no Yaiba

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WonderSpace Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Naohiro Yamamoto; from now on referred to as “our company”) will launch ANIME SAMURAI, a media that disseminates Japanese anime information to overseas audiences, from January 31, 2023. )” is now available.

What is “ANIME SAMURAI,” an anime information media for overseas?

“ANIME SAMURAI” is a media that disseminate Japanese anime information to the world.

We are published in English, focusing on popular ranking articles and columns about anime, such as anime works, anime movies, and characters that appear in anime. We will publish articles about Kimetsu no Yaiba, Chainsaw Man, and ONE PIECE, which are extremely popular overseas.

We will deliver exciting Japanese anime information to the world, meeting the needs such as “I want to know the latest anime information” and “I want to know Japanese anime that I should watch.”

Background of the launch of “ANIME SAMURAI.”
In recent years, Japanese animation has gained popularity worldwide and has become a representative of Japanese culture.

The spread of video distribution services such as Netflix has made it possible to watch the latest anime in any country, and the number of Japanese anime lovers is increasing worldwide.

Japanese anime has high-quality stories, original drawings, and BGM, and it is also attractive that there are various genres such as action, battle, adventure, romance, and mystery. From children to adults, some works can be enjoyed according to their tastes and preferences.

Also, you can get essential hints about life from anime. Through “ANIME SAMURAI,” we will disseminate anime information with the hope that people worldwide will come into contact with anime and make their daily lives a little more positive and enjoyable.

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