From April 12th, a pop-up shop for the short anime Fate/Grand Order Fujimaru Ritsuka wa Shikaimai, created by Tsuchida of TYPE-MOON, will be held at Ikebukuro Loft April 12Goods lineup includes a tin badge of a servant enjoying cherry blossom viewing, and a T-shirt of Fujimaru that declares, I’m Berserker for now.” The illustration by Tsuchida of Don’t Understand Fujimaru Ritsuka’s” POP UP STORE in Loft is “Cherry Blossom Viewing. ” The concept is. Fujimaru, Mash Kyrielight, Merlin, Nemo, and Oberon all enjoy cherry blossom viewing in their unique ways.
At the event, goods such as trading badges, trading acrylic name plates, and stickers using the same illustration will be sold in advance. Goods using cut scenes from the anime will also be available. In addition to daily calendars, badges, and bromides, T-shirts with a scene in which Fujimaru says, “For now, I’ll be Berserker” were also available.
If you purchase a box of some products, you will receive limited benefits at the event. Furthermore, for every 2,000 yen (tax included) you buy, you will receive a random instant camera-style illustration card of 10 types. Some products will be pre-ordered later on EC sites AMNIBUS and Animate. X (formerly Twitter) is currently running a repost campaign to commemorate the event. If you repost the target post posted on the AMNIBUS official account ( @AMNIBUS ), one person will be randomly selected to win a complete set of instant camera-style illustration cards.
“I Don’t Understand Ritsuka Fujimaru’ POP UP STORE in Loft” Period: Friday, AprApril 12024 to Sunday, AprApril 21024 Time: Monday to Saturday 10:00 to 21:00, Sundays and holidays 10:00 a.m. 00-20:00 *Closes at 18:00 on the last day. Venue: Tokyo, Ikebukuro Loft 11th floor variety goods department