The anime “Attack on Titan The Final Season” was broadcast on Sunday, January 23, 2022, at midnight. In the 78th episode, “Brother and Brother,” while the angry development continued, it seems that the topic was concentrated on Porco’s self-sacrifice as “too cool.”
Falco unintentionally turned into a giant due to spinal fluid and Zeek’s cry. Losing his reason, he bit the armored giant Reiner. A liner wanted to transfer the power of armor to Falco by being eaten as it was, but at that time, Falco was distracted. At the end of his line of sight is the figure of Porco standing in a tattered body.
Porco suffered severe damage in battle. He saw the memory of his brother Marcel while he was lying down, and he appeared in front of Falco with the determination that he was “just a mess.”
In the past, Porco and Reiner were competing for the Giants’ succession rights, but a past overturned previous expectations, and the lowest-ranked Reiner was selected. Marcel made it happen, and he dared to lose to protect Porco.
Although he had a sense of opposition to Reiner, Porco learned the facts from his brother’s memory. He said to Reiner, “This is clear. I’m better until the end,” and Falco eats him as a substitute.
Porco helped Reiner in exchange for his death, and the viewers were impressed by saying, “It’s cool to die” and “It’s precious to believe it.” His appearance must have stabbed the viewer’s heart especially deeply as the painful scene continued.